Thursday 13 November 2014


maha avatar babaji sketch as told by paramahamsa yogananda

bajai and his saint wife both living in himalayas for thousands of years

Babaji with his disiciple in himalayas
Maha Avatar babaji was holy living saint in the himalayas who is living over 2000 years(as told by paramahamsa yogananada in his book the auto biography of a yogi).

Babaji was born in parangipettai a village near chidambaram.and was brought to himalayas by some yogis and was introduced to yoga life style .and at the age of 17 came to his home town and was married to his sister daughter and get diksha from agathiar and introduced to siddha style.and he again went to himalayas and started living there as a siddha upto now he is leading them in spiritual path.who ever thinks of mahaavatar babaji will be blessed by his grace.

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